Hotline: 98511027320
 1-4376734, 9849111091

About Us

Arambha Technology is the best IT hub in Kathmandu. We provide services like computer repair, laptop repair, printer repair, and many more. We have a team of experts who are well versed in the latest technology. Besides, we also sell computer and laptop accessories.

We are trained to efficiently provide solutions to your problems. We are always available to help you with your computing needs. We are such a team, we have been in this industry for more than a decade. We are always passionate about our work.

Technology is advancing rapidly. This has both advantages and disadvantages for people. As humans, we want everything right at once, but that's not always the best approach. We must find ways to embrace new technology while staying true to our goals and ideals.

If you face any problem with your devices, you can contact us. We are committed to providing excellent service to our customers. Our goal is to make sure you are satisfied with our work.

Apart from this, you can contact us if you need to know any small things related to computer/laptop or if you need to buy any material.